Kathakali Performance
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Here is the script of the dance performance I attended in Kochi. I greatly enjoyed reading it even though I was puzzled as to how such a short play would take one and a half hours to perform. But during the explanatory session during which the dancers demonstrated various gestures and phrases, it became clear. See how long it takes to express something like "I am fine." (Quicktime video, 268 KB)

BAKA VADHA (The death of Baka)

Cast of Characters
Bhima, Second of the Pandava Princes
Baka, a rakshasa (demon)
Chuvanna Tadi (Red Beard)

Scene 1: Brahmin. Bhima

Inspired by the words of Bhima’s mother, honoured at having been chosen, looking forward 10 sating his hunger with Baka’s food. and enjoying the thought of a fight with that ogre, the thought of seeing him dead; Bhima spoke with words that were eager to the frightened Brahmin: he said:

Oh good Brahmin, I’ve come at my mother’s request to wipe out the scourge of your peaceful village to efface from the tace of the earth this pest, to put an end to his murder and pillage Quickly make ready the demon’s full feast; and quickly I’ll stop his blood thirsty rampage !

There is the cart load of food. Oh great hero, climb into the seat without delay, and into the deep, dark forest go: the wind will help you find the way’ the stink of decomposing corpses will guide you, intrepid one What more to say? (While blessing Bhima, he prays :)
Oh great Vishnu, to whom all my prayers are directed.
Who has given many blessings to me; may you transfer to Bhima my all earned merit and give strength to dealt this foul enemy!

Over Bake you need shed no further tear,-in the ocean of grief you need no longer swim. He’ll harm you no further Give up your fear; I’ll make arrangements about feeding him!

Scene 2 Bhima

Bhima are what the Brahmins offered for strength (and because it was testily!) Then in clothing of beepest blood red he dressed his god like body Round his neck was a crimson garland’ on his forehead a scarlet Kourri., as he drove off to Bakavadam to face that rakshasa’s fury On arrival oh, wonder-of-wonder’s! Bhima sat down and “picknicked” calmly, on the food of that wild eyed, monster to make him even more angry. Belching and smacking his lips enjoying the meal ostentatiously, Bhima taunted and teared demon and shouted a challenge in periously

Hey, night walker! Come with what weapons you please.
To learn the strength of a mighty man! Trample and cringe while I saviour your feast. Low-born worm | come, take It away If you can | Proud of your elephant’s strength, like a beast. You Insult the devas kill Innocent Brahmins for pleasure | what pleasure for me, to tease, to provoke and humble you, rogue among elephants
Blood thirsty, ravenous ! Soon you’ll be dead | I’ll drink your blood after smashing your head!

Scene 3 Baka, Bhima and (at the end) some brahmins

Black-bodied, black hearted Baka heared Bhima’s Challenging cries; The ears of the’ mighty rakshasa Broke flames leapt from his eyes; with bared fangs The stalked his prey, roaring insults on his way.

What arrogant fool dares to come late?! Who is Challenging me increasing my anger?! What?! Eating my food ?! Making me wait ?! and my bally nearly breaking with hunger!

yes wait, you vain cowerd. And continue to praule vain threats. While I slake my hunger and thirst! I would not be carrect to dine after our battle; After I’ve killed you I’d have to be the first

Human weakling. You have my permission to savour that food! I can well wait a minute or two for a batter meal ! it me add some flavour to your dry skin and bones When I eat you!

Don’t mistake me for the gentle folk whom you’ve plundered and killed in the past ! I am Bhima.
Invisible here who, at one stroke, will kill you just as I killed strong Hidumbi !

Oh yes, and dishonoured his sister Hidumbi, sinking our rakshasa race in deep shame ! what luck that revange now falls to me ! what sweet justice that into my lair you came ! Enough talk ! Let the battle begin ! I’m hungry ! Death to the weaker ! to the strenger, great fame !

As the snake is destroyed by the eagle king so you chest I’ll open; My wrath increases! Try to counter my bellows oh Sub human thing, Oh craven ! Oh Verman ! Now your breath ceases!

Note: they fight and Bhima kills Baka

See a bit of the performance.